Congress MP and Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, hit out at former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and BJP, saying that both make false promises. While addressing a public rally in Bawana, Rahul said, “We talk about employment, development and progress. You will remember that during Sheila Dikshit’s regime, roads were built in Delhi. Development took place. We did not make false promises. Kejriwal ji and Modi ji both make false promises.”
He also dared Arvind Kejriwal to take a sip of Yamuna river to which he had promised to clean it.He said, “Kejriwal ji had promised Delhi that he would clean the Yamuna River and drink its water. I challenge him to go and drink the water of the Yamuna River today…This is the difference between Congress and Arvind Kejriwal. Kejriwal ji always makes false promises.”
Rahul’s challenge came after Haryana CM Nayab Singh Saini took a sip of water from the Yamuna River in Delhi’s Palla Village. Saini said, “We consider rivers as our mother, worship them but there are some people in this country who say that poison has been mixed in the rivers. These are people with different ideologies, they have their own thinking. They do not care about our culture and values… Some people even said that there was no Ram here… We consider the whole world as one, this is our family, how can we mix poison and feed it to our family members, this is their narrow thinking.”
Haryana Revenue and Disaster Management Minister and BJP leader Vipul Goel on Wednesday termed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal’s “poisonous water” remarks as “irresponsible” and demanded that a First Information Report (FIR) be registered for “spreading misinformation and creating panic among the people of Delhi and Haryana.”
Regarding AAP’s allegation of high ammonia levels in the Yamuna River water, Goel told ANI , “An FIR has been sent to be registered under Sections 2 (d) and 54 of the Disaster Management Act for spreading misinformation and creating panic among the people of Delhi and Haryana…. The Election Commission has also asked him (Arvind Kejriwal) on what facts is he making these statements?… Arvind Kejriwal should be ashamed of himself for making such irresponsible statements…”