A 28-year-old woman who was working at a private company was allegedly killed by her colleague in the parking area of the office in Pune, police said, adding that the woman succumbed to her injuries while undergoing treatment at a hospital. The deceased has been identified as Shubhada Shankar Kodare, a resident of Katraj.
On Tuesday, around 6:30 pm, when Kodare left the office and was walking in the parking area, the suspect, Krishna Satyanarayan Kanoja, 30, a resident of Shivaji Nagar, approached her. A fight ensued over an outstanding loan, and the two got into a heated argument. The suspect then assaulted her with a sharp-edged weapon in full public view, police said.
A video of the incident later circulated on social media platforms.
Police said that locals managed to apprehend the suspect and handed him over to the authorities. It was revealed that Kodare had borrowed money, and the suspect had been pressuring her to repay the loan. A case of murder has been registered, and further investigation is underway.