As the Navratri festival unfolds across India, the vibrant celebrations in Pune have been overshadowed by tragedy. Ashok Mali, a renowned Garba trainer affectionately known as the ‘Garba King,’ tragically collapsed and died of a heart attack while performing at a Garba event in Chakan. The 50-year-old’s unexpected passing has cast a shadow of grief over the community during this festive season, leaving many in deep mourning for a beloved figure who brought joy to countless celebrations.
From Joy To Sorrow Moment
In a video that quickly spread online, Ashok was seen dancing happily with his son, Bhavesh, at a lively Garba event in Chakan. They were performing the popular song “Ghoonghat Mein Chand Hoga Aanchal Mein Chandni.” Witnesses shared that Ashok was having a great time when he suddenly became dizzy and fell to the ground.
The cheerful atmosphere changed quickly as people rushed to help him. Bhavesh ran to his father, worried by what had just happened. Despite the crowd’s efforts to take Ashok to a nearby hospital, doctors pronounced him dead when they arrived, despite their attempts to save him.
VIDEO | Ashok Mali, also known as Pune Garba King, died due to a heart attack while playing Garba during the Navratri festival event in Chakan last night.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) October 8, 2024
(Video Source: Third Party)
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A Grieving Community
The unexpected loss of Ashok Mali has deeply affected the local community. Many residents shared their sorrow, remembering his love for Garba. “We were all enjoying the festival, and then everything changed so quickly. It’s hard to believe what happened,” said a local attendee, capturing the feelings of many.
For the last four to five years, Ashok had worked as a Garba trainer and was respected for his skills and enthusiasm. He often led Garba sessions during the Navratri season, making his sudden passing even more painful for those who knew him.
Sudden Heart Attacks: A Serious Issue
Ashok was from Hol village in Dhule district. His sudden death highlights a serious concern in India, where sudden heart attacks are a major cause of death, affecting thousands of people each year. This was sadly echoed in another recent incident on October 6, when Sushil Kaushik, a 56-year-old man, died of a heart attack while performing at a Ramlila event in Delhi. Family members said he felt pain during the performance and collapsed backstage, showing how quickly life can change.
As the community deals with this huge loss, they will remember Ashok Mali for his passion as a Garba trainer and the joy he brought to many during the Navratri celebrations.