New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release a coin of Rs 75 on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Parliament House. The Finance Ministry said on Thursday that a coin of Rs 75 will be issued on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Parliament House on Sunday, May 28.
According to the information, a coin of 75 grams or 35 grams will be prepared by mixing four metals. According to the notification of the ministry, the coin of Rs 75 will be circular, and its diameter will be 44 mm. 50 percent silver and 40 percent copper have been used to make the coin. Apart from this, 5 percent nickel and 5 percent zinc have been added.
Apart from this, it was said that on one side of the coin, there will be a lion of Ashoka Pillar with 75 rupees written below it. 75 rupees will have India written in Hindi and English on the right and left. On the other side of the coin, the new Parliament House will be built. Sansad Sankul will be written on the top in Hindi and on the bottom in English. 2023 will be written just below Parliament. It is being told that this coin was made in the mint of Kolkata.