Prime Minister Narendra Modi’ will visit Jammu on Tuesday, where he will inaugurate numerous development programs and address the people. His travel to Jammu and Kashmir, which would be his second since Article 370 was repealed in 2019, is significant in light of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. As part of the “Viksit Bharat Viksit Jammu” program, the PM will give green flag to many development projects and will also speak with recipients of several government programs.
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PM Modi To Inaugurate World’s Tallest Bridge
PM will inaugurate the world’s tallest railway bridge across the Chenab. The 1.3 km rail bridge is a vital component of the 111 km Katra–Banihal section of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line (USBRL) Project. It is situated 359 meters above the Chenab, 35 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Additionally, Modi will launch the Valley’s first electric train. PM Modi will also inaugurate AIIMS in Jammu, and the Devika River project, north India’s first river rehabilitation initiative, in Udhampur will also get lined up.
Union Minister Jitendra Singh Demanded PM’s Visit
The Union Minister Jitendra Singh recently stated in Udhampur, “We want the Prime Minister to visit J&K before the start of the election” underscoring the significance of the elections in the state, which hasn’t had an elected Assembly since 2014.
This is the PM’s first trip since the Supreme Court last December upheld the constitutional validity of the abrogation of Article 370, which granted the state of J&K special status and proceeded to order the restoration of statehood and instruct the Center to hold Assembly elections by September 2024.
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