The next installment of the PM Kisan Yojana, known as the 19th installment, is expected to be released by the end of this month, January 2025. Under this scheme, the government provides farmers with ₹6,000 annually, distributed in three installments of ₹2,000 each.
Millions of farmers across the country are eagerly waiting for this payment. However, not all farmers will receive the funds. Some may have to return money to the government if they improperly enrolled in the scheme. Only one member of a family can benefit from this program; therefore, if two brothers or a father and son are both receiving benefits, the government may recover funds from them.
Additionally, there are farmers who are not genuine farmers and do not own any agricultural land but are still receiving benefits. The government is identifying such cases through an e-KYC process.Before the installment is credited to their accounts, farmers should check their status.
They can do this by visiting the official PM Kisan website at On the homepage, they need to click on ‘Beneficiary Status’ and enter their Aadhaar number and mobile number to check their status. It is essential that their e-KYC is completed; otherwise, they will not receive the ₹2,000 payment.