An IndiGo flight from Jodhpur to Bengaluru faced an unforeseen delay on Tuesday morning. The delay was caused by a passenger who opened the emergency exit door just before take-off. The incident occurred at 10:10 am in Flight 6E 6033, when it was gearing up for departure, with the passengers onboard. The aircraft was scheduled to take off at 10:10 am. The incident created panic among passengers and caused 20-minute delay. This prompted the crew to immediately activate standard safety protocols.
What Happened Next?
The man who opened the flap has been identified as Siraj Kidwai, an Axis Bank employee, Hindustan Times reported. Siraj claimed that he had opened the emergency flap by accident. An alert was received by the cockpit as soon as the flap was unlatched. The security officials intervened thereafter and the man was removed from the aircraft. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) took him into custody. He was questioned by CISF personnel at the airport police station.
After the incident, IndiGo expressed regret for the inconvenience caused by the passenger. The airline reiterated its commitment to safeguard passenger’s safety and upholding security protocols.
On the incident, IndiGo said, “During the pre-departure safety briefing for flight 6E 6033 from Jodhpur to Bengaluru, a passenger opened the emergency exit flap. Our crew immediately followed standard procedures, and the individual was disembarked and handed over to law enforcement authorities for further investigation.”
“We regret the inconvenience caused to other passengers on the flight and reaffirm our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety and security in all our operations,” the airline added.