The traffic police in Gautam Buddh Nagar have adopted a stringent approach toward vehicles with black films on windows, which are often used for showing off, asserting dominance, or under the guise of privacy.
Over the past two years, more than 37,000 challans have been issued for this violation. With growing concerns about road safety, the traffic police are now focusing on confiscating vehicles that have black films and suspending the driver’s licenses of the offenders.
Experts highlight that black film on vehicle windows significantly impairs visibility. The rear window should have at least 70% visibility, while the side windows should allow 50% visibility for safe driving. Vehicles with excessively dark windows are more prone to causing accidents, as drivers may struggle to see other vehicles, pedestrians, or road signs. This not only puts the driver’s life at risk but also endangers others on the road.
The traffic police have launched a special campaign targeting vehicles with black films, and are implementing a zero-tolerance policy toward this violation. They aim to reduce the number of accidents caused by reduced visibility and ensure safer roads for everyone.
Statistical data reveals the extent of this issue. In the past two years alone, over 30,000 vehicles have been penalized. In 2024, more than 20,000 vehicles were fined, while in 2023, over 17,000 vehicles faced penalties for this violation.
The traffic department is committed to taking continuous action to curb this growing problem and improve road safety in the region. The focus is now on stricter enforcement of the law and ensuring compliance with regulations designed to protect public safety.