The scorching temperatures in Noida and across northern India have led to an escalation in fire-related incidents. On Friday, a shop located in a market within Sector 119 of the Amrapali Zodiac Society caught fire, creating panic.
नोएडा की आम्रपाली जोड़ियेक सोसाइटी के मार्केट में शुक्रवार तड़के लगी आग, सोसायटी गार्ड्स ने अग्रवाल प्रोविजनल स्टोर के दरवाजे तोड़ कर बुझाई आग #NCRKhabar #noidaNews @noida_authority @noidapolice
Fortunately, firefighters managed to bring the blaze under control in time, averting any loss of life. Officials revealed that the fire started due to a short circuit in the goods placed outside a grocery store in the market’s basement.
“Some adjacent shops have suffered damages, but the fire has been extinguished,” officials confirmed. No harm was caused to the merchandise inside the grocery store.
A fire on Thursday morning broke out on the 10th floor of an apartment in the Lotus Boulevard Society of Sector-100, Noida due to a blast in an air conditioner.
A house in Sector 31 also witnessed a fire incident the same night. However, officials confirmed that no casualties were reported in either of these incidents.
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