Pictures from Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, have gone viral on social media, showing a girl confronting a thug to save her father. The incident took place on the Gandhi Road street of the city. In a nearby neighborhood, a dispute arose between Dr. Hotam Singh and his neighbor Faizal Khan. Faizal, known for his criminal tendencies, initiated a physical assault on Dr. Hotam, causing him to fall to the ground. Witnessing her father being beaten, the daughter clashed with the thug Faizal Khan.
Pictures show thug Faizal grabbing Dr. Hotam by the collar, throwing him to the ground, and starting to kick him. Upon seeing her father being beaten, the daughter couldn’t stand by and confronted the thug as well. In the midst of this, Dr. Hotam managed to regain his composure for a moment. Soon after, father and daughter teamed up and gave the thug a thorough beating. This incident was captured on nearby CCTV cameras.
MP: Daughter clashed with a goon to save her father, beat up the miscreant badly, CCTV footage went viral
— Hello (@hello73853) July 17, 2024
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Following this, the father and daughter beat up the thug thoroughly, forcing him to flee from the scene. After this incident, Dr. Hotam Singh complained to the local police station. The police have arrested the accused. Pictures of the thug being beaten up have gone viral on social media.
CSP Ashok Jadon stated that the accused, a thug from Inderganj, had a dispute with a doctor. Pictures of the assault have also surfaced, which is under investigation. A case has been filed against the accused and he has been arrested. The doctor’s daughter has also been made a witness after she intervened to defend her father.
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