New Delhi: In a recent video posted on social media platform X, Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra can be seen being detained by security forces. In the tweet that she posted it can be seen she was picked up by the security officials and was taken. Along with the video she posted a caption stating, “This is how elected MPs of the world’s largest democracy are treated after being given an appointment to meet with a Minister of the Govt of India (which she refused to honour after making us wait 3 hours)”
This is how elected MPs of the world’s largest democracy are treated after being given an appointment to meet with a Minister of the Govt of India (which she refused to honour after making us wait 3 hours)
---Advertisement---Shame @narendramodi shame @AmitShah
— Mahua Moitra (@MahuaMoitra) October 3, 2023
In another tweet she posted a video where she can be further seen being taken away by senior police officials. In her tweet she wrote, “Listen up Narendra Modi – you can drag us out but the truth won’t go away- you have illegally withheld thousands of crores of MNREGA funds from the poot of West Bengal.”
Listen up @narendramodi – you can drag us out but the truth won’t go away- you have illegally withheld thousands of crores of MNREGA funds from the poot of West Bengal.
INDIA will throw you out come 2024.— Mahua Moitra (@MahuaMoitra) October 3, 2023