Karnataka: A shocking incident has come to light from Hubballi in Karnataka, where a 40-year-old man died by suicide on Sunday. The deceased left a suicide note alleging harassment by his wife. He was found hanging at his residence in Chamundeshwari Nagar by his brother.
The deceased identified as Petaru Gollapalli, worked in a private firm. As per reports, the couple got married two years ago and had started living separately after three months of marriage. The couple frequently engaged in quarrel. ‘Hindustan Times’ reported that the victim’s wife had filed for divorce and sought alimony of Rs 20 lakh. He added that Petaru was working at a private firm and had lost his job three months ago.
Victim’s Brother Demands Justice
As per the victim’s brother, Eshayya, the family had gone to Church on Sunday, and when they returned, Petaru was found dead. In his suicide note, Petaru has accused his wife as the reason for his death. The note read, “Daddy, I am sorry. My wife is killing me. She wants my death.”
The victim’s brother has accused that Petaru was beaten by his wife’s brother. He has demanded justice and the arrest of the woman. He said, “We want justice for my brother; that woman should be arrested. No one should suffer the way my brother has suffered.”
Police have registered case based on a complaint of victim’s brother. Further investigation is underway added the police.
The case reminds of techie Atul Subhash’s death in Bengaluru last month. Atul had also died by suicide following alleged harassment from his wife.
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