On Wednesday, January 22, AAP National Convener and Former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, AAP leader & Candidate from Jangpura assembly seat Manish Sisodia and Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj attended the News 24 event, Manthan 2025. Arvind Kejriwal is contesting from the New Delhi assembly constituency. He spoke on various issues, one such issue is the Delhi Elections.
In this Delhi Assembly election, Manish Sisodia is contesting from Jangpura assembly seat. Whereas Delhi Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj is contesting from Greater Kailash.
Speaking on the Delhi Election Arvind Kejriwal said, “Someone asked what would happen if we lost?”
Replying to his own statement Kejriwal said that, “Well we are not losing. But if we lost, what will happen to the education of 18 lakh children? What will happen to the schools that we have built with great difficulty in Delhi?”
Arvind Kejriwal stated, “We contest elections on people’s issues.”. He also said, “We have taken one lakh people on ‘Teerth Yatra’.”
He also stated that, “Our relationship is with the public, not with any party….In democracy the relationship is with the public only.”
On Changing the seat in Delhi Elections 2025, Manish Sisodia said that, “The people of Patparganj gave me a lot of love. Ever since I started politics, I can say that Patparganj and I were born politically. The people made me won thrice. Many times you have to take some decisions as per a political strategy for the growth of your party.”
Taking about the Mohalla Clinic Kejriwal said that, “In the last few years, 5 crore people have got treatment in Mohalla Clinic of Delhi.”
Also Read: News24 Manthan 2025, EXCLUSIVE: Congress’ Star Campaigner Kanhaiya Kumar Speaks On Delhi Elections