Union minister and senior BJP leader Giriraj Singh was attacked by a man during a Janta Darbar held in Balia town, Begusarai district, Bihar, on Saturday. The attacker, identified as Mohammad Saifi, attempted to punch Singh during the public gathering but the minister narrowly escaped without injury.
मैं गिरिराज हूँ और मैं हमेशा समाज के हितों के लिए बोलता रहूंगा,संघर्ष करता रहूंगा।
इन हमलों से मैं डरने वाला नहीं।दाढ़ी-टोपी देखकर उनको पुचकारने और सहलाने वाले लोग आज देख लें कि किस प्रकार बेगुसराय बिहार सहित पूरे देश में लेंड जिहाद-लव जिहाद और साम्प्रदायिक तनाव पैदा किया जा… pic.twitter.com/iqu8ccnGuc
— Shandilya Giriraj Singh (@girirajsinghbjp) August 31, 2024
Chaos at Janta Darbar
According to reports, Saifi, a ward councillor from a nearby village, grabbed the microphone at the event and made objectionable remarks, prompting protests from BJP members present. Amid the chaos, Saifi tried to assault Singh but was quickly apprehended by the police. The police have taken Saifi into custody and are investigating the motive behind his actions.
Giriraj Singh’s Response
Reacting to the attempted attack, Singh stated that he was not afraid of such incidents and emphasized his resolve. The minister has been a vocal supporter of uniform laws and recently welcomed the abolition of the “Friday namaz break” in the Assam legislative assembly, which had been in place since the British era.
Singh’s Comments on Assam’s Namaz Break Abolition
Speaking to journalists in his Begusarai constituency, Giriraj Singh praised the Assam assembly for eliminating the namaz break, stressing the need for uniformity in law and opposing preferential treatment for any religious community. Known for his Hindutva stance, Singh criticized leaders of the opposition INDIA bloc, including Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav, for objecting to the move, accusing them of pandering to the Muslim vote bank.
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