Uttar Pradesh is set for the Maha Kumbh Fair. The fair will start on January 13, 2025, and will be there till February 26, 2025. The Uttar Pradesh Government has taken several steps regarding the travel and safety of Devotees who will be visiting the Sangam city.
Now the state government is ready to introduce 40 electric busses for the devotees heading towards Prayagraj. Preparation is going on for the Maha Kumbh Fair 2025.
According to media reports, around 10-15 buses are ready to operate in the Sangam city ahead of the fair.
Apart from this 30 busses will be sent to the Lucknow headquarters to the holy city ahead of the Mauni Amavasya. The Mauni Amavasya is on January 29, 2025.
GM Of Technical Of Uttar Pradesh Transport Corporation On This Facility
The General Manager of Technical of Uttar Pradesh Transport Corporation, Ajit Kumar Singh mentioned in a press release that, “Before the start of the Maha Kumbh Mela, 10 to 15 electric buses will begin operations in Prayagraj. Additionally, around 30 to 40 buses will arrive in Prayagraj before the Mauni Amavasya festival.”
Regional Manager Of Prayagraj Region On This Facility
The Regional Manager of the Prayagraj region, MK Trivedi stated that, “The routes for these buses have been finalized in coordination with the fair administration and police. On peak days, buses will operate on six routes, while on normal days, they will run on 11 routes.”
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