The biggest fair of the India, “Maha Kumbh” has started in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj. The fair will began on January 13, 2025. The fair will there till February 26, 2025. It will end on auspicious day of Maha Shivaratri.
Saints from different corners of the country are reaching the Sangam city. Not only Saints but big personalities are visiting Prayagraj for attending the fair. Wife of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs visited Prayagraj to attend the biggest fair of the country that is Maha Kumbh.
For this big event the Uttar Pradesh government has made several arrangements. From bus services to the helicopter services, many things are planned for devotees visiting the Maha Kumbh.
One such arrangement is for the locating things if get any individual get lost in the fair. Crores of devotees are expected to attend the fair.
How You Can Find Lost People?
As per media reports, 10 lost and found center’s has been created. These centers are computerized one. This is made to help people who are visiting Maha Kumbh fair this year.
For this information related to lost people are collected and will be put on computer. After this they will hand over the complaint receipt to the complainant.
Photo of the individual will be displayed on 55- inch display screen. The administration will be taking help of the social media for circulating the information.
Not only this, but there are enquiry center’s put up in the fair to support the devotees. People can get all information related to Maha Kumbh at these center’s.
Also Read: Maha Kumbh 2025: Why Did Steve Jobs’ Wife Miss Holy Dip At Sangam?