BJP MP Hema Malini lashed out at people who are speaking against Sanatan. She said what happened in Bangladesh should not have happened. While Speaking At the Sanatana Dharma Sansad, led by Devkinandan Thakurji Maharaj at the Maha Kumbh 2025 in Prayagraj, the BJP MP said that Sanatan is the only religion in the world that welcomes all religions.
Hema Malini said, “Nowadays there are some ignorant people who speak ill of our Sanatana. They say some wrong things about Sanatanis. What happened in Bangladesh should not have happened. To end what is happening, our saints present here are talking about Sanatan. Sanatan is the only religion in the world that welcomes all religions and does not oppose any religion whether it is Muslims or Christians.”
“Today this shared heritage of ours is in danger, you can see that atrocities are being committed on our temples, problems are being created in the Gaushala, all this should not happen,” the Mathura BJP MP said.