Maha Kumbh Fair has already begun on in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj. The fair will end on the auspicious day of Maha Shivaratri on February 26, 2025. Over 45 crore devotees are expected to visit the biggest fair in the country, as per media reports.
Saints and prominent personalities are visiting Prayagraj to attend the biggest fair in the country Maha Kumbh. Every day devotees are visiting the fail. Some are coming by road, by flight and are are coming by train.
For those who are reaching Sangam City by train can make things easier for them. People think whether tickets will get confirmed or not.
The Indian Railways gives the option of booking the Tatkal ticket for AC coaches and sleeper classes on the train. For booking the tickets for AC Coaches the window gets open to people at 10 am. On the other end, the window to book the Tatkal tickets for the non-AC coaches opens at 11 am.
During the Tatkal ticket booking, it takes time to complete the process. You can make it an easy one by keeping a master list ready on the website of IRCTC.
You can create this list through the website of IRCTC. You need to go to the IRCTC’s My profile section. Then you can add 20 passengers to this list. This saves you time. By doing this chances of getting your ticket getting confirmed increases.
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