Indian Railways has introduced a simple new ticketing system for the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj (January 13 – February 26). Passengers can now easily book train tickets by scanning QR codes on the green jackets of railway staff or volunteers. These QR codes will also be available on posters at stations and around the Mela area.
To book tickets, passengers just need to scan the QR code using their smartphones. It will take them to the Google Play Store to download the UTS (Unreserved Ticketing System) app. After installing and logging in, passengers can book tickets for short trips (50-100 km) or long-distance travel over 200 km. Long-distance tickets can be booked up to 15 days in advance.
Passengers who book through the QR code or the UTS app will get a Rs 3 cashback. They can also choose between paperless or printed tickets.
A 24/7 toll-free helpline (1800-4199-139) is available from January 1, offering help in multiple languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, and Odia. Announcements will also be made in 12 languages at stations for better understanding. To manage the large number of pilgrims, Indian Railways will run over 10,000 regular trains and 3,000 special trains during the Mela.
This initiative aims to enhance the travel experience for the millions of devotees expected at the Maha Kumbh Mela, making ticket booking faster and more efficient. The goal is to reduce waiting times and avoid crowded ticket counters, allowing pilgrims to focus on their spiritual journey rather than logistics.
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