Maha Kumbh 2025: To keep devotees safe and raise awareness about cybercrime in light of the ongoing Maha Kumbh, the Uttar Pradesh Police has released a Sanjay Mishra starrer short film. The film aims to alert the public regarding the dangers of sharing their personal information, particularly One-Time Passwords (OTP). The film features renowned Hindi Actor Sanjay Mishra as a wise Sadhu named Shambhu Shikari who receives a call from a cyber fraudster. The imposter offers him a free trip to London, a cruise sail, and shopping, which is a complete package with expenses for two people.
What happens next? The fraudster asks Shikari to share an OTP to confirm his details, however, the wise Sadhu busts his scam and says he is no fool. As the short film concludes, he warns viewers about the risks of cyber-fraud and urges them to remain cyber-safe. In an X post, UP Police released the video warning, “Never share your OTP with any unknown person. Stay cyber-safe, stay happy!”
OTP – ओ तेरी, फंस गए!
साइबर अपराधी आपको ‘too good to be true’ ऑफर्स के जाल में फंसाकर आपका ओटीपी लेकर आपको ही चूना लगाते हैं।
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साइबर सेफ रहें, सुखी रहें! @imsanjaimishra#CyberSafeKumbh#Mahakumbh2025
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) January 26, 2025
Meanwhile, Maha Kumbh’s official X handle has shared a few Cybersecurity Tips by the UP Police for Pilgrims at Maha Kumbh 2025.
- Keep OTP Secure: Never share your OTP with anyone. This is crucial to protect your bank and personal data.
- Complaint of Cyber Fraud: If you fall victim to cyber fraud, call 1930 and file a complaint.
- Immediate Assistance: For emergency assistance, dial 112.
- Maha Kumbh Helpine: Dial 1920 Mela Helpline number.
- Verify Your Bookings: Only use official websites or certified platforms to make bookings.
महाकुंभ-2025 के श्रद्धालुओं के लिए @Uppolice का महत्वपूर्ण साइबर सुरक्षा संदेश👇
1️⃣ OTP सुरक्षित रखें👇
कभी भी किसी अज्ञात व्यक्ति के साथ अपना OTP साझा न करें। यह आपके बैंक और व्यक्तिगत डेटा को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए अत्यंत जरूरी है।2️⃣ साइबर ठगी की शिकायत👇
अगर किसी प्रकार की…— MahaKumbh 2025 (@MahaaKumbh) January 26, 2025
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