Uttar Pradesh is going to held the biggest fest of the country ‘Maha Kumbh’ in 2025. The fest will start from January 13, 2025 till February 26, 2025. It will be held in Prayagraj.
Seeing the history of the fest many devotees visit the fest and are expected to come in Maha Kumbh 2025. During every Maha Kumbh fest lakhs of devotees come to the fest.
But due to the crowd, there are reports of people getting separated from their family in the fair. To deal with this issue the administration has come up with a solution. As per media reports, in the Maha Kumbh Fest 2025, the movement of the people will be monitored using the Artificial Intelligence.
The people who gets separated from their family due to the crowd in the fest will be found by the use of AI. AI has made the work easier for humans and supports humans to a great extent. This will a kind of support from the AI.
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How Lost People Will Be Found?
The AI cameras has been set up in various locations to monitor the fair. As per media reports, a computerized lost and found centre has been made in the Maha Kumbh. If any individual gets lost in the fest, complaint can be registered by the family member in the complaint centre.
According to media reports, after getting the details, the image of the lost person will be created on the computer using AI. Total 10 centres have been made in Maha Kumbh. Not only this, but a helpline number (1920) has also been issued.