At least 11 people were killed and several others were injured in two separate road accidents that took place last night in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. In Madhya Pradesh’s Chikrakoot, six people reportedly died after a speeding Bolero collided with a truck on the Jhansi-Mirzapur Highway No. 35 on Friday morning.
Reports revealed that a total of eleven people were inside the Bolero, six died while five are currently undergoing treatment in a Hospital. The Bolero was returning from Prayagraj when the accident took place around 5.30 am due to the driver’s negligence.
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5 Killed In Uttar Pradesh’s Pilbhit
In Uttar Pradesh’s Pilbhit, five people reportedly lost their lives Thursday night after a speeding car lost control and rammed into a tree. Police immediately arrived at the accident spot and sent the dead bodies for postmortem examination.
According to reports, the incident took place on the Tanakpur Highway in the Thana Nuria area when the people in the car were returning after attending a wedding ceremony. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken cognizance of the matter and instructed the officials to expedite the relief work.
Both the state police have registered road accident cases and the deceased families have been duly informed. Further action and investigations are underway.