In Shahpur, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, a wall collapse has resulted in the deaths of 9 children. Most of the deceased were between 10 and 14 years old. The children were constructing a physical Shiva Lingam under a shed near the Hardaul Baba temple in Shahpur when the wall fell, trapping them under the shed. Currently, one of the injured children is being treated in Damoh, while the others are hospitalized in Sagar.
मध्य प्रदेश के सागर में एक मकान की दीवार गिरने से शिवलिंग बना रहे 8 बच्चों की मौत हो गई। कई लोग घायल भी हुए हैं।#MPNews #Sagar
— Gaurav Pandey (@penn_gaurav_) August 4, 2024
Sagar district collector Deepak Arya said that 9 children died when they got trapped under debris. The injured are receiving medical care, and the debris has been cleared from the site. The administration, following the Chief Minister’s instructions, has announced ₹4 lakh in compensation for each family of the deceased.
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Media reports say that construction was happening at Hardaul Baba Temple during a religious event. Many people were at the temple when the accident happened. The temple wall fell down, trapping the children under the rubble. Locals pulled the children out and took them to the hospital, but some had already died by then.
Madhya Pradesh is experiencing frequent wall collapses due to heavy rains. This year, rain-related incidents have caused the deaths of around 200 people in the state. Additionally, 206 houses have been completely destroyed, and 2,403 have been partially damaged.
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