Smriti, wife of Captain Anshuman Singh, shared an emotional video remembering their journey from college sweethearts to marriage just five months ago. Their eight-year love story all of a sudden ended with a devastating phone call on the morning of the July 19th shattering their dreams of a future together.
In the video, Smriti reflects on their last conversation held the night before, ‘On July 18, we discussed our future over the next 50 years—building a home, raising children, and more. The next morning, I received a call that he was no longer with us,’ she recalled.
Army Dr Captain Anshuman Singh (26), who laid down his life after rescuing others during a fire near #Siachen Glacier;
“On 18th July, we had a long conversation -He is going to build a house & going to have kids & whatnot.
19th morning, I get up, Iget a call: HE is no more.”
— Indian Doctor🇮🇳 (@Indian__doctor) July 6, 2024
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Reflecting on the family’s ordeal, Smriti shared, ‘For the first 7-8 hours, we couldn’t believe what had happened. Even now, I struggle, trying to convince myself it’s not real. Holding the Kirti Chakra, I know it is. He sacrificed so much for others—he’s our hero.’
Captain Anshuman Singh displayed exceptional bravery during a fire incident at Siachen in July 2023, risking his life to rescue fellow soldiers and retrieve critical medical supplies. Despite his courageous efforts, he succumbed to severe injuries sustained in the line of duty.
President Draupadi Murmu posthumously honored Captain Anshuman Singh with the Kirti Chakra for his bravery and selflessness.
Freedom isn’t free… 🇮🇳
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) July 6, 2024
Smriti’s heartfelt video has touched many on social media, celebrating Anshuman’s legacy and her strength amidst profound loss.