The Trinamool Congress (TMC) has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of turning the death of a young doctor into a political issue. The trainee doctor, working at a state-run hospital in Kolkata, tragically died on August 9. TMC leader Shashi Panja said the BJP is not focused on getting justice but is instead using the incident for political gains.
TMC Denies Bribery Allegations
At a press conference, the TMC shared a video to deny the claims that Kolkata Police offered a bribe to the doctor’s family. In the video, the doctor’s father clearly states that there were no attempts to bribe them. He urged people to stop spreading false stories and focus on getting justice for his daughter.
Parents’ Claims And TMC’s Response
The situation escalated after the victim’s parents said a senior police officer offered them money when they were handed their daughter’s body. They alleged that this was part of a larger attempt to hide the truth. However, the video released by TMC showed the father dismissing these allegations, calling them ‘an open lie.’
#WATCH | RG Kar Medical College and Hospital rape-murder case | Kolkata: Parents of the deceased doctor addressed the media as they joined the protest at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital last night.
— ANI (@ANI) September 5, 2024
BJP Accused Of Spreading Fake News
TMC leader Shashi Panja blamed the BJP’s IT cell for spreading false videos and news online. She said the BJP and the media were using the tragedy for political purposes, which is hurting the victim’s family. Panja stressed that the family wants justice and should not be dragged into political matters.
Nationwide Protests
The doctor’s death has sparked protests across the country. Junior doctors in West Bengal have gone on strike, demanding justice for their colleague. Despite the rising tension, the TMC continues to urge that justice should be the priority, not political agendas.
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