On Tuesday Mumbai’s Siddhivinayak Temple issued a dress code for the devotees visiting the temple. This move came by the Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Temple Trust.
As per this, the devotees should wear decent clothing like Indian Attire, as per media reports. This move of the dress code will be effective from next week. Devotees who will be having revealing clothes or any clothes which is inappropriate as per the move will not be allowed to enter the temple in Prabhadevi region, as per media reports.
According to the order, Devotees who are found wearing trouser with cuts, short skirts will not be permitted inside the temple.
As per media reports, the Temple Trust mentioned that this move from them was taken after several complaints was made over clothing issue. Due to this several people felt discomfort.
The Tresurer of Temple Trust, Pawan Tripathi told mid-day.com that, “”We have received complaints over the clothes of some devotees from the other devotees. They want some restrictions on the clothing. Devotees need to follow the decision taken by the temple trust.”
He also mentioned that, “In recent times, many temples across India started a dress code for the devotees, leading to a discussion.”
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