In a shocking incident, three women working as caretakers at the Kerala State Child Welfare Committee (CWC) were arrested on Tuesday. They are accused of injuring a two-and-a-half-year-old girl on her private parts as punishment for wetting the bed. The caretakers reportedly did not inform the authorities about the incident, which led to their arrest.
The girl, who was living at the CWC shelter had reportedly wet the bed, and the caretakers reacted by hurting her. The police began investigating after the child’s injuries were noticed, and it was found that the caretakers had not reported the incident as required by law.
The authorities have taken the matter seriously and assured that they will take strict action against those responsible. The police said that the women were arrested under charges of cruelty and causing harm to the child.
The child is now being taken care of by the authorities, and an inquiry into the incident is ongoing. The case has raised concerns about the safety of children in care institutions, and people are demanding better protection for vulnerable children.
The Kerala State Child Welfare Committee has promised to review its systems to ensure such incidents do not happen again. The police have said they will continue to investigate the case and hold the responsible individuals accountable.
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