Karnataka new CM: The discussions that had been going for the top post of Karnataka for the last four days is over on Thursday. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge announced the name of Siddaramaiah as the next Chief Minister of Karnataka. (Karnataka new CM) Congress state president DK Shivkumar will be appointed as Deputy CM. According to sources, the swearing-in ceremony will take place on May 20 in Bengaluru.
Siddaramaiah to be the next chief minister of Karnataka and DK Shivakumar to take oath as deputy chief minister. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge arrived at a consensus for Karnataka government formation. The oath ceremony will be held in Bengaluru on 20th May. pic.twitter.com/CJ4K7hWsKM
---Advertisement---— ANI (@ANI) May 17, 2023
Siddaramaiah to be the next chief minister of Karnataka and DK Shivakumar to take oath as deputy chief minister. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge arrived at a consensus for Karnataka government formation. The oath ceremony will be held in Bengaluru on 20th May.
Several rounds of discussion took place between Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and former President Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday amidst the suspense over the post of Chief Minister. Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) chief DK Shivakumar was also present in the meeting to find a solution.
After a round of meetings, DK Shivakumar agreed to power-sharing with former chief minister Siddaramaiah. Earlier, he was said to be adamant on the post of Chief Minister. Let us tell you that Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar were staking their respective claims for the post of Chief Minister after the massive victory of the Congress in the state assembly elections held on May 10.
Congress wins 135 out of 224 seats
The Congress ousted the BJP from power by winning 135 out of 224 seats in the Karnataka Assembly elections. The BJP was second with 66 seats, while the Janata Dal Secular won 19 seats.