A hair-raising incident occurred in Tumkur district, Karnataka, where a man killed his wife and dismembered her body. He then removed the skin and separated the flesh from the pieces. The incident took place in Hospet village. The deceased, Pushpa (32), was killed by her husband, Shivram. The couple had an inter-caste love marriage nine years ago. The police have arrested the accused.
According to the police, Shivram and Pushpa argued on Monday, and Pushpa subsequently refused to cook dinner. Enraged, Shivram killed her. Reports state that he first slit her throat and then moved the body to the kitchen, where he dismembered it. The couple lived in a rented house with their 8-year-old son. Shivram worked as a helper in a sawmill. They had married nine years ago against their families’ wishes, and although things were fine initially, their relationship deteriorated over time.
According to the information, since their son’s birth, increased expenses and insufficient income led to frequent disputes between Shivram and Pushpa. On Monday, they argued again over the same issue. After the fight, Shivram went to work, and an angry Pushpa did not cook food. When Shivram returned at night and asked for food, Pushpa told him nothing was prepared. This led to another argument, escalating to the point where Shivram lost his temper and killed Pushpa. When he regained consciousness, he feared the police.
To erase evidence of his brutality, Shivram dismembered Pushpa’s body, removing the skin and flesh to prevent identification. He spent the entire night doing this. The next morning, their landlord became suspicious when no one emerged from their room. Peering through the window, he was horrified by the scene and immediately called the police. The police arrested Shivram, who has confessed to his crime.
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