New Delhi: The Congress on Monday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and released a ‘PayCM-CryPM’ poster. This comes a day after senior Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi claimed that Narendra Modi is the first PM to cry over his woes in front of people.
In a fresh poster war, the Congress has released a template of scan code having PM Modi while crying. The caption read, “The PM’s speeches these days remind me of my Facebook feed – full of complaints and no substantial content. Time for a status update?”
"The PM's speeches these days remind me of my Facebook feed – full of complaints and no substantial content. Time for a status update? 📝
---Advertisement---— IYC Karnataka (@IYCKarnataka) April 30, 2023
Campaigning for the Karnataka Assembly Polls in a rally at Jamakhandi in Bagalkot district, Priyanka Gandhi said, “I am seeing such a PM for the first time, who comes in front of you and cries that he was being abused. Rather than hearing your grievances, he narrates his woes.”
“Someone in PM Modi’s office has compiled a list that is not about people’s problems,” she added.
सही कह रही हैं @priyankagandhi जी।
800 से अधिक किसानों ने आंदोलन में दम तोड़ दिया, वो गिन नहीं पाए
पुलवामा में 300 किलो RDX पहुँच गया, वो जान नहीं पाए
बेनामी 20,000 करोड़ उनके मित्र के खातों में आ गया, उनको पता नहीं चला
लेकिन 40% कमीशन वाली भाजपा सरकार को बचाने के लिए…
— Bhupesh Baghel (@bhupeshbaghel) April 30, 2023
Congress’ 40% commission jibe at Bommai govt
The grand-old party and its workers started sharing the poster with the hashtag. Earlier, the party accused the ruling BJP government in Karnataka of taking 40% bribe and ran a campaign of PayCM campaign having state Chief Minister Basavraj Bommai’s face.
As a part of the campaign, Congress pasted posters across Karnataka.
"Turns out our PM is an excellent actor, playing the victim instead of the hero. Waiting for the day he'll get the script right! 🎭
— IYC Karnataka (@IYCKarnataka) April 30, 2023
BJP hits back
Meanwhile, Karnataka CM responded to the ‘PayCM-CryPM’ social media campaign and said it is Congress who is crying and not the PM.
Talking to press person, the CM said, “PM has never cried, it is Congress who has been crying for the past 9 years and people also do not have sympathy for them…”
#WATCH | "PM has never cried, it is Congress who has been crying for the past 9 years and people also don't have sympathy for them…," says Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai on Congress' CryPMPayCM social media campaign
— ANI (@ANI) May 1, 2023
Another BJP leader and Karnataka BJP chief Nalin Kumar Kateel said, “PM Modi is not only the leader of the country but also the leader of the world. Congress’ target is to ridicule him. Congress has already lost the election. hence they are doing all this. Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister and was always in a silent mood.”
Karnataka | PM Modi is not only the leader of the country but also the leader of the world, Congress' target is to ridicule him. Congress has already lost the election. hence they are doing all this. Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister and was always in a silent mood: BJP state…
— ANI (@ANI) May 1, 2023