In a heartbreaking turn of events, a family of five, including a couple and their three young children, tragically lost their lives due to apparent suffocation in their rented home in Srinagar on Sunday. The incident occurred in Sheikh Mohalla, located in the Pandrethan area of the city.
According to officials, a police team was dispatched to the scene after receiving reports that the family members were found unconscious. Despite immediate efforts to transport them to a nearby hospital, they were pronounced dead upon arrival. Preliminary investigations revealed that an electric blower was found operating in the confined space where the family was discovered.
Authorities have confirmed that the family hailed from Baramulla, North Kashmir and while initial assessments suggest suffocation as the cause of death, a thorough investigation is currently underway. A police official stated, “The cause of death appears to be due to suffocation, but investigations are still ongoing in this regard.”
The tragic loss has drawn expressions of sorrow from local leaders. Chief Minister Omar Abdullah conveyed his profound grief over the incident, emphasizing the devastating impact on the community. “This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by heating equipment,” he stated.
Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha also expressed his condolences, stating, “Saddened by the loss of precious lives in a tragic incident in Srinagar. My deepest condolences to the bereaved family in this hour of grief.”
As the investigation continues, this tragic event underscores the importance of safety measures when using heating appliances, especially during harsh weather conditions. The local populace mourns the loss of five innocent lives, and support is being extended to those affected by this devastating incident.
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