In a significant development in the ongoing fight against terrorism, an unidentified terrorist was killed during an overnight gunfight in the Dachigam area of Harwan, Srinagar, on Tuesday. The operation, which began late Monday evening, was conducted by a joint team of Jammu and Kashmir police and security forces following specific intelligence inputs.
According to a senior police officer who spoke to News24, the operation commenced with a cordon and search initiative aimed at locating the hiding terrorists. As the security forces moved in, the terrorists opened fire, leading to an intense firefight. The operation resulted in the neutralization of one unidentified terrorist, while efforts to ensure the area is secure continue.
Authorities have confirmed that the anti-terrorist operation is still ongoing in the area, with security forces maintaining a strong presence in and around the forest area of upper Dachigam to prevent any escape of the remaining terrorists if any.
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