In a tragic incident in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir, four individuals lost their lives after a vehicle plunged into a gorge on January 5, 2025. Two other people, including the driver, have been reported missing. Rescue operations were launched immediately upon receiving the information.
The vehicle, identified as a Tata Mobile, veered off the road and fell approximately 150 meters into the Chenab River. The deceased have been identified as Raj Kumar (22), Mukesh Kumar (29), Haqiqat Singh (28), and Satish Kumar (26), all residents of Garh Padder. Two individuals, including the driver Ashok Kumar and vehicle owner Navrattan, remain missing following the accident.
Authorities quickly mobilized rescue teams to the site of the accident. Local police confirmed that efforts are underway to locate the missing persons. Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh expressed his condolences on social media, stating he was saddened to learn about the fatalities and has been in contact with local officials for updates on the rescue operations.
Saddened to learn just now that 4 of the passengers travelling in the vehicle have been found dead on the spot. Two other persons, including the driver, are not traced as yet. My sincere condolences to the bereaved families. Om Shanti 🙏🏻
---Advertisement---— Dr Jitendra Singh (@DrJitendraSingh) January 5, 2025
This incident highlights ongoing concerns regarding road safety in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in hilly regions where poor road conditions and lack of proper traffic management contribute to frequent accidents. Traffic accidents have become increasingly common in Kishtwar and surrounding areas, prompting calls for improved infrastructure and safety measures.
As rescue operations continue, families of the victims are left grappling with their loss, while local authorities are urged to address the critical issues surrounding road safety to prevent such tragedies in the future. Further updates on the situation are expected as rescue efforts progress.
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