New Delhi: On Monday, traffic in Delhi will be affected by Janmashtami celebrations, according to a Delhi Traffic Police advisory. They have set up detailed traffic arrangements for the festival and advised people to plan their trips accordingly.
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Traffic Restrictions Around Key Areas For Janmashtami Celebrations
The advisory states that traffic will be particularly affected around important areas in Delhi, including the Laxmi Narain (Birla) Mandir at Mandir Marg, the Iskcon temple at East of Kailash, and locations such as Dwarka Sector 13, Rohini Sector 25, and Janmashtami Park in Punjabi Bagh.
The advisory stated that traffic restrictions on Mandir Marg will start at 2pm on Monday. During this period, from 2pm until 1am on Tuesday, no vehicles will be allowed on the road from the Talkatora Stadium roundabout to the Peshwa Marg-Mandir Marg T-Point.
The advisory noted that buses departing from Shivaji Stadium and heading towards Mandir Marg will be rerouted to Panchkuian Road or the GPO roundabout, based on their routes.
Traffic Diversions And Restrictions Around Temples
In East of Kailash, heavy transport and light goods vehicles will not be permitted on roads around the Iskcon temple from 8am on Monday to 1am on Tuesday. Two roads—Raja Dhirsingh Marg from Eden Hospital (C-Block, East of Kailash) to the Iskcon temple, and Raja Dhirsingh Marg from the Sant Nagar traffic signal to the temple—will be closed during this time, according to the advisory.
Police have implemented four traffic diversions to prevent heavy and light goods vehicles from approaching the temple, which will impact traffic on Ring Road and Outer Ring Road.
For Janmashtami Park in Punjabi Bagh, restrictions and diversions will be in place for commercial goods vehicles at nine locations. There will also be diversions from CDR Chowk to Andheria Mor and from the Y-Point to the 100-foot traffic signal for celebrations at the Adhya Katayani Shakti Peeth temple in Chhatarpur. Similar restrictions will be in place around the Iskcon temples in Rohini and Dwarka.
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