New Delhi: A day later being relieved from all his ministerial duties, sacked Trinamool Congress leader Partha Chatterjee on Friday said he is being framed. Chatterjee is currently under the custody of Enforcement Directorate (ED) due to his alleged involvement in West Bengal School Staff Commission (SSC) scam.
“I’ve been framed, I’m a victim of conspiracy,” Chatterjee said.
Arrested Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee and his aide Arpita Mukherjee have separately claimed that they are a “victim of conspiracy.”
TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee gave a statement saying: “Partha Chatterjee has been removed from TMC along with the post of General Secretary, National vice president and three other posts. He has been suspended till the investigation is underway.”
Chatterjee, who is known to be a loyalist of CM Banerjee, also holds the political office of General Secretary of West Bengal of the All India Trinamool Congress.
After several revelations in the case relating to the teacher’s job scam, several members within the party objected his presence and demanded for his removal.
Few days earlier, the Chief Minister made a statement saying that if someone is guilty, they should be awarded punishment.
The statement cleared the Trinamool Congress’ stand on the case against Partha Chatterjee.