Indian Railways Update: A total of 29 trains to Delhi are running late due to fog conditions in the national capital and parts of north India, as per the Indian Railways. Dense fog continues to grip northern states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand. Delhi woke up to rain accompanied by thunder on Thursday. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted light rain accompanied by thunderstorms during the morning hours. A yellow alert has been issued for dense fog.
Foggy conditions across various parts of north India have caused disruptions in train services. The Indian Railways said that several trains to Delhi are running late due to the foggy weather.
These trains include the Poorva Express, Lucknow Mail, Padmavat Express, Mewar Express, Sirsa Express, Rajdhani Howrah Express, BBS Rajdhani, Duronto Express, Ayodhya Express, Mussori Express and others.
29 trains to Delhi are running late due to fog conditions in the national capital and parts of north India, as per Indian Railways
— ANI (@ANI) January 16, 2025