On Thursday, high drama unfolded in the Rajya Sabha over wrestler Vinesh Phogat‘s disqualification from the Paris Olympics. The situation escalated when Opposition leaders sought to address the matter, leading to Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Derek O’Brien shouting, which provoked an angry response from Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar.
Dhankhar, visibly upset, scolded O’Brien, left his chair, and retreated to his chamber. During the session, Dhankhar addressed the House, emphasizing that the national sentiment over Phogat’s disqualification was widespread and not limited to the Opposition. He criticized the politicization of the issue, stating that it showed the greatest disrespect to Phogat, who has a long career ahead.
He also reprimanded O’Brien for his disruptive behavior, warning that further misconduct would lead to more serious consequences. He drew a parallel to the Emergency period, cautioning against challenges to parliamentary democracy. The session ended with the Opposition leader leaving the House.
Similar disruptions occurred on Wednesday, when Opposition members chanted slogans demanding justice for Phogat, who was disqualified after being found overweight for her 50kg final match. They staged a walkout after being denied permission to speak.
Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar criticized the Opposition, including Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge, for challenging the authority of the chair and neglecting their constitutional duties.
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‘Opposition Lacks Substantive Issues To Address’: JP Nadda
BJP National President JP Nadda dismissed the Opposition’s actions, claiming they lacked a substantive issue. He asserted that the entire nation supports Phogat and that the Opposition’s attempts to politicize the issue were unfounded. Nadda highlighted Prime Minister Modi’s praise for Phogat as a reflection of the country’s support for her.