On Wednesday, the Haryana government, led by the BJP, announced a 10% reservation for Agniveers soldiers recruited under the Agnipath scheme in police and mining guard roles. This decision comes just months before the Haryana Assembly elections and follows claims that discontent with the Agnipath scheme may have led to the BJP’s poorer-than-expected performance in the recent Lok Sabha elections.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini announced that a 5% reservation will be provided for Agniveers in Group C positions. Additionally, there will be a three-year age limit relaxation for both Group C and Group D posts.
#WATCH | Haryana CM Nayab Singh Saini says “Agnipath scheme was implemented by PM Modi on 14th June 2022. Under this scheme, Agniveer is deployed in the Indian Army for 4 years. Our government will provide 10% horizontal reservation to Agniveers in Haryana in direct recruitment… pic.twitter.com/1WNxKLK65H
— ANI (@ANI) July 17, 2024
Additionally, up to 5 lakh rupees in interest-free loans will be available for individuals interested in starting their own businesses.
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Launched in 2022, the Agnipath scheme offers short-term recruitment into the armed forces. Individuals aged 17.5 to 21 are enlisted for a four-year term. After this period, 25% of these recruits may be retained for an additional 15 years, while the rest receive a financial package upon completing their service. Recruits under this scheme are known as Agniveers.
The Chief Minister stated that the Congress is spreading misinformation about the scheme, asserting that it is a highly effective initiative by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as it results in the development of skilled youth.
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