Gujarat: In a tragic incident, seven people including five college students were reportedly killed in a fatal road accident in Junagadh, Gujarat on Monday. The shocking incident took place after the car carrying the students and others lost control and hit a divider before colliding head-on with another vehicle.
The police said that the students were on their way to college while the other two victims were with them when their speeding car rammed into another vehicle. An investigation has been launched into the matter to find out the cause of the incident. Preliminary reports suggest a possible mechanical failure might have led to the accident.
In a similar incident, at least 11 people were killed and several others were injured in two separate road accidents that recently took place in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. In Madhya Pradesh’s Chikrakoot, six people reportedly died after a speeding Bolero collided with a truck on the Jhansi-Mirzapur Highway No. 35 last Friday.
In Uttar Pradesh’s Pilbhit, five people reportedly lost their lives on December 5 after a speeding car lost control and rammed into a tree.
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