Four workers tragically lost their lives after inhaling toxic gas at a chemical factory in Gujarat’s Bharuch district on Saturday night. The incident took place at the Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL) plant in Dahej, around 10 pm, when gas leaked from a pipe in the CMS production unit on the ground floor.
The workers fell unconscious after inhaling the toxic fumes and were quickly taken to a private hospital in Bharuch. Unfortunately, three workers died around 3 am on Sunday, while the fourth passed away at 6 am.
The bodies of the deceased have been sent for postmortem, and police are investigating the cause of the gas leak. Authorities are also checking if the workers had the proper safety gear and whether all safety rules were followed at the factory.
This accident comes shortly after another gas leak incident in October at a plant near Kandla Port in Gujarat’s Kutch district, where five workers died due to similar safety lapses.
Authorities are working to understand the reasons behind these incidents and ensure that proper safety measures are in place at factories to prevent such tragedies in the future.
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