Three people were arrested by the Ghaziabad police on Saturday for allegedly assaulting two men with rods and sticks outside a restaurant in the Rajnagar District Centre (RDC), a busy commercial area in Ghaziabad. The incident, which occurred around 9:45 pm on Friday, is believed to have been sparked by a parking dispute.
The arrested individuals were identified as Ayush Tyagi, 26, a restaurant owner; Nitish Sharma, 24, a manager; and Abhishek Rastogi, 19, another staff member. The police have not yet identified the victims, who are reportedly from outside the city. The assault was brought to the authorities’ attention after a video of the incident went viral on social media.
#Ghaziabad आर डी सी में एक रेस्टोरेंट के बाहर गाड़ी पार्क करने के विवाद में सड़क पर गुंडागर्दी । पुलिस ने तीन को हवालात पहुँचाया ।
— Sanjay kumar (@sanjaysah_india) December 28, 2024
According to Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Abhishek Srivastava from the Kavi Nagar circle, an FIR was registered after the video surfaced. “Although the victims have not yet come forward, we are trying to establish contact with them. It appears that the assault was triggered by a parking issue, but we are continuing our investigation,” he said.
The 1.45-minute video shows a chaotic scene with several women standing on the roadside, while several cars are parked across from them. In the video, a group of seven to eight people can be seen attacking the two men, repeatedly punching, kicking, and striking them with sticks until one of the victims falls to the ground. The video also captures loud, repeated shouts from a woman during the attack.