The collision was such that both motorcycles were completely damaged and two bikers, Karan and Sunil, riding on one of the bikes, died on the spot. Police were alerted on the emergency helpline number 112, and a team from Dankaur police station rushed to the spot.“Two of the injured men -- Madan and Kamlesh -- were rushed to a nearby hospital, where Madan died while undergoing treatment and Kamlesh was referred to another hospital, where he later died,” said the SHO.
Singh said, “After hitting the motorcycles, the bus stopped as both the bikes got stuck under the bus and the driver’s leg mistakenly applied the brakes. The driver fell unconscious towards the window side. The driver’s condition is being checked to ascertain why he fell unconscious and what kind of attack he had suffered. He is out of danger for now.” All 20 passengers who were on the bus are also safe .