On Friday afternoon, a fire erupted at Logix City Center Mall in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, reportedly starting at a garments showroom. Upon receiving the alert, a team from the fire department swiftly responded with multiple fire engines, evacuating the mall and currently battling the blaze. The mall, located in Sector 32 and falling under the jurisdiction of Sector 24 police station, is now the focus of firefighting efforts by the responding team.
Videos captured a huge column of smoke billowing through the multi-story mall building.
#Noida– #नोएडा के #Logix #Mall में लगी भीषण आग।
दमकल की कई गाड़ियां मौके पर मौजूद।
मॉल को खाली कराया गया।
कोई जनहानि की सूचना नहीं।
अग्निशमन कार्य जारी।@fireserviceup @cfonoida #Fire #Logixmall #UP #UPFES #Fireservice #Shortcircuit #Firesafety pic.twitter.com/h7aaF2b30u— 𝐑𝐚𝐣𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐊𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐋 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐧 (@KapilChauhan352) July 5, 2024
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The authorities have yet to determine the source of the fire and assess the extent of the damage. However, sources informed that they quickly brought the fire under control and prevented significant damage.
The Logix Group, based in Noida, owns City Center, the sole retail space property. Inaugurated in 2016, the mall spans 25,000 sq meters. It gained attention three years later due to a water supply cutoff by the Noida Authority, owing to outstanding dues amounting to Rs 46 lakh.
Social media platforms are circulating videos of the fire, depicting thick smoke in the corridors of the mall. According to a report the fire likely started due to a short circuit. However, a detailed investigation will uncover the exact cause of the blaze.
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