A Delhi court rejected the bail plea of Umar Khalid, a former JNU scholar and activist, on Tuesday. Khalid faces allegations of involvement in a conspiracy linked to the deadly 2020 Delhi riots. This marks the second time the court has denied Khalid’s bail request.
Delhi Police allege that Khalid played a key role in a broader conspiracy that supposedly ignited the February 2020 riots. These riots, sparked by the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), resulted in widespread violence and destruction in northeast Delhi, claiming over 50 lives.
Delhi’s Karkardooma Court rejects the bail application of Umar Khalid in larger conspiracy of Delhi riots case. He is accused in UAPA case related to 2020 Delhi riots. He sought a regular bail in the matter. It was his second bail application.
— ANI (@ANI) May 28, 2024
Authorities have charged Khalid with various offenses under the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including criminal conspiracy, rioting, and unlawful assembly. He also faces charges under the stringent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).
While the full details of the court order remain unavailable, media reports suggest the judge rejected the bail plea due to the severity of the charges against Khalid. The prosecution likely argued that releasing Khalid on bail could impede the investigation and potentially influence witnesses.
Since his arrest in September 2020, Khalid has remained in custody. He maintains his innocence, claiming the charges are fabricated. His supporters believe the government is targeting him for his activism and critical stance.
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Khalid’s lawyers plan to challenge the court’s decision in the Delhi High Court. Legal proceedings in this case continue.
The denial of bail for Khalid has sparked mixed reactions. Some have applauded the court’s decision, believing it will ensure a fair trial. Others have criticized it, arguing that Khalid is being denied his right to a speedy trial.
It is crucial to remember that these are only allegations at this point. Khalid is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The court will hear arguments from both sides before reaching a final verdict.