New Delhi: After the demise of his father and Samajwadi Party (SP) founder, Akhilesh posted an emotional tweet with two photographs from the site where Mulayam Singh Yadav’s last rites were performed on Tuesday.
Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav was cremated with full state honours on Tuesday in his native village of Saifai, Uttar Pradesh.
Mourning the death of his father, Akhilesh wrote in Hindi: Aaj pehli baar laga…bin suraj ke uga savera (For the first time, todays dawn feels like one without the Sun).
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— Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) October 12, 2022
SP party patriarch passed away aged 82 while undergoing treatment at Medanta Hospital in Gurugram on Monday (October 10).
Mulayam Singh Yadav was admitted to the Medanta Hospital in Gurugram on August 22 after he faced trouble breathing. He was already going through multiple ailments and was admitted to the ICU in critical condition.
The news of Mulayam’s death was confirmed by his son Akhilesh Yadav on Monday at around 8:30 am.
The Uttar Pradesh government on Monday also announced three-day state mourning on the demise of the veteran politician.
He was born on November 22, 1939, in Saifai village of Uttar Pradesh’s Etawah district. The SP founder was a three-time Uttar Pradesh chief minister.