CM Yogi Adityanath unveils large-scale Police recruitment plan with special focus on women in the district level mega employment and loan fair organized in Ambedkar Nagar. He said that around 20% of new police vacancies will be reserved for daughters in the state. The drive would cater to the employment needs of 60,244 youth, with the exams being scheduled for August 23 to 25 and August 30 & 31.
The appointment process is conducted on such a large scale in Uttar Pradesh for the very first time. In the year 2022, around 34,000 policemen were recruited under the drive. The previous examination was conducted for 60,244 constables on Feb 17-18 but was cancelled due to allegations of paper leak.
This time, the focus will be centered on the appointment of UP women in the state. CM Yogi stressed on the fact that now the daughters would take to the streets and treat the miscreants properly.
उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस में 60 हजार से अधिक नौजवानों को भर्ती करने की परीक्षा होने जा रही है…
---Advertisement---इसमें 20 फीसदी बेटियों को भर्ती करेंगे, ताकि वे सड़कों पर शोहदों का ठीक से उपचार कर सकें…
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) August 17, 2024
CM Yogi also warned the mafias and anarchist elements operating in the state of Uttar Pradesh. He apparently attacked the previous Samajwadi Party and made special mention about the Chacha-Bhatija gang who previously used their power to exploit the state by extorting money. He pointed out that if anyone is found engaged in such ill-legal acts, they shall face heavy consequences.
Their property will be confiscated and redistributed among the people in need. Also, no exemption will be awarded to the criminals, anarchists or bad elements in the state.
Plans To Empower Women, Youth
In his address, CM Yogi mentioned about shelter homes to be built for women & an institute for destitute children, restricting the corrupts or dishonest from promoting anarchy.
In the event, 6750 youth were handed appointment letters, 13866 students were given tablets. 12744 beneficiaries were also given a total loan of 211 crores rupees through 14 banks under the Swami Vivekananda Youth Empowerment Scheme. The announcement of 20% reservation for women in the UP Police comes in light of the list of crimes taking place across the nation against women.
Applauding the transformation of Ambedkar Nagar, CM Yogi said it was once infamous because of mafias and anarchist elements. “The district has benefitted from key infrastructure projects like Purvanchal and Gorakhpur Link Expressways”, CM said.
He visited the stalls set up by 46 companies in the Rozgar Mela and lauded the efforts of women volunteers and the initiatives of entrepreneurs. CM further mentioned that the approaching new industries would generate more employment opportunities for the youth.
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