The Anti-Gangster Task Force of Punjab Police achieved a major breakthrough against Goldy Brar and Lawrence Bishnoi. In a joint operation, the SAS Nagar police and task force arrested a close aide of these two gangsters. The police also recovered a pistol and five live cartridges from the suspect. The aide had been facing charges of supplying weapons in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case and was also the mastermind behind the shooting at Islet Centre. He had been on the run since then.
The aide has been identified as Mehfooz Khan. According to the police, Khan was planning to commit a crime in the Tricity area. A history-sheeter, Khan was allegedly acting under the direction of Goldy Brar.
He had received a cache of arms from gangster Joginder, alias Joga, who is said to have been involved in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case by supplying arms and provisions to the attackers.
The police stated that a thorough investigation is underway, and his arrest will help them crack other cases he is involved in. They have recovered a pistol and live cartridges from him.
Sidhu Moosewala was shot dead by assailants on May 29, 2022 in broad daylight.