Chandrayaan-3: In a significant achievement, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) released the latest images of the moon. It was captured by the Chandrayaan 3’s lander Vikram. This achievement comes after the lander successfully completed a manoeuver that brought it closer to its destination.
Spectacular Lunar Views
ISRO shared a series of stunning images taken by the Lander Imager (LI) Camera-1 on platform X. These series of images reveal various craters of the moon, including the notable Giordano Bruno crater. It is known as the moon’s youngest and largest crater.
Chandrayaan-3 Mission:
🌖 as captured by the
Lander Position Detection Camera (LPDC)
on August 15, 2023#Chandrayaan_3#Ch3— ISRO (@isro) August 18, 2023
Lander Camera-1
Lander Camera-1 also reveal pictures of the Harkhebi J crater, which has a diameter of 43 km diameter. These images were taken after the successful detachment of the Vikram lander from the spacecraft’s propulsion module.
“Thanks for the ride, mate,” ISRO tweeted. He tweeted imagining a talk between the lander and the spacecraft. The module is descending towards its destination of lower orbit after slowing down which will bring it close to the moon.
Today Lander is placed in an orbit where Perilune, which is the closest point to the moon is 30 km and Apolune which is the farthest point from the moon, is 100 km.
The Vikram Lander will start its next journey and will attempt its soft landing on the south polar of the moon on August 23. However, the propulsion module will continue to revolve around the moon and study the atmosphere of Earth.
Once the lander safely touches down and lunar dust settles, the ‘Pragyaan’ rover will make its way down from the Vikram Lander. Then after this process, the lander will take a picture of the rover and the rover will take images of Lander.
Amid the Lander manoeuvre, the rover will gather data on the composition and geology of the moon’s surface, paving the way for wide-ranging research.