New Delhi: In view of providing connectivity in every corner of India, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw announced that Rs 26,000 crore has been approved to install new 25,000 towers in the next 500 days.
He stated that connectivity is vital for the Digital India and its reach to every corner of the nation.
He congratulated all States and UTs for their speedy onboarding at PM Gati Shakti. He also shared that the special assistance to States for capital expenditure worth Rs 2000 Crore has been supported.
The three day long “Digital India Conference of State IT Ministers” began on October 1 which concluded on October 3.
He encouraged the States to be proactive and make business friendly policies to attract businesses in their States.
Emphasizing on the motto of Sabka Saath and Sabka Vikas, he stated that the commitments from all States and UTs, large as well as small States, are vital in taking Digital India to higher level and in realizing the AatmaNirbhar Bharat and Trillion Dollar Digital Economy.