New Delhi: In a big decision, the Patna High Court Tuesday allowed the Nitish Kumar-led Bihar government to conduct the caste survey across the state. The court upheld the previous order while dismissing several petitions that challenged the Bihar government’s decision.
Chief Justice K Vinod Chandran and Justice Partha Sarthy were hearing the case. The caste-based survey was supposed to take place in two phases. As of now, the first round has already completed in January this year. This phase included household counting exercise by the state government.
As soon as the second phase started on April 15, the High Court ordered the stay. This one was about collecting data of people regarding their caste and socio-economic conditions.
The second round that was supposed to be finished by May this year was stopped mid-way owing to the High Court’s order.
Govt was alleged of poll planks with Caste-census
Caste-based census has been controversial due to its nature. In India, several states tried to find out the population on the basis of caste but it always raised questions at the respectiv state governments.
While the state governments wanted everyone to believe that the census is required to give appropriate represntation to minorities or weaker sections, it was argued that this is not at all the reason behind it.
Last Survey in 1931
Rather, it was said that the census is related to poll plank and obtaining the data based on caste, it will be easy for political outfits to lure people by fielding favourable candidates on that basis.
The last data was taken on caste in 1931 in India while in 1941, the report did not publish even after the enumeration was done. The then Census Commissioner M W M Yeats said in a note, “The time is past for this enormous and costly table as part of the central undertaking.”